Well Friday evening i was a VIP guest courtesy of DC shoes(thanks Dan Matt and Nicola) at the launch of the new PK Ripper.
Se racing has a long and rich history in bmx both freestyle and racing. Did i see PK himself standing in the corner?? The new bike was on show and looking lovely i might add. “30 Years of Radness” was a first of its kind exhibition in London which celebrates the BMX explosion onto the world stage in the 80’s, what many consider as the “golden period”, and its endurance from it. members where there in force and brought there collections for all to see and drool over.
Here are some facts about bmx you may or may not know!!
BMX riding began to take shape in 1963 and seven years later in 1970 a teenage entrepreneur Scot Breithaupt started the ‘Pedal Cross’ races in London Beach, California which is what many consider to be the birth of organized BMX racing. Scot captured the first US National BMX title in 1976 and soon afterwards started SE Racing (standing for Scot Enterprise). From that initial revolution, SE Racing became one of the most significant BMX brands and has stayed that way for over 30 years.
Breithaupt and his team at SE innovated many frames, the most legendary of these being the P.K. Ripper. Named after local rider Perry Kramer, the P.K. Ripper became the most sought after BMX bike of all time. When the P.K. Ripper hit the BMX scene it forever changed the look of BMX design. It possessed a fashionable and hip aesthetic not previously seen, and set a new benchmark for SE’s competition to rise to. As a result, the industry advanced and the 80’s BMX scene was born.
check pics