
Showing posts from February, 2008

British cycling awards night

Held annually the BCF awards dinner honours the Uks national cycling champions from all disciplines. I got my "Zimmer Master" award for the cruiser title. For winning you get a free 3 course dinner and blisters on your hands for clapping at all the other award winners!! Its then a case of listening to the blah blah of the speeches. Still it was the first time the team award was recognised and as team manager I was proud to get that included. A number of racers where recognised as well as Jacob Roberts (double champion) Alan Hill, Abie Hill,Sir Lawrence Mapp. Well done guys. A fella who's daughter was collecting a MTB award asked me what bmx racing was? I explained it was the newest fad only around for 30+ years now.... he then said are the tracks like 4x? I said no "4x tracks are like bmx tracks.Ah well.

Oulton park trackday

Many thanks to Here are some pics of saturdays Oulton park Hottrax's track day. The weather was perfect except for an icy cold track. The air ambulance was called three times due to incidents. I kept it he right way up which is unlike me.

Back in the Day

Check this recently published picture of me wheeling down the beach in Tenerife from 1983! (dont mention my shorts ok) It was published in last months Ride Uk mag. The all expenses trip to the canaries was to test Raleigh's new burner range. I rode in a variety of locations and the island was a lot less crowded than it is now. I even did a huge jump into the harbour watched by the locals no doubt thinking crazy gringo. Check pics: Here I am just after touchdown into the harbour note the height and missing peak!! I had to swim down 10ft and pick up the poor burner on the bottom.. Chilling on the seafront in the Canaries watched by a curious local.