How to do airs!

Hi well this is a short HOW TO on aerials. ASC pupil Jake Roberts (current national points leader and skater/freestyle rider) shows you how.
Jakes riding a pool with coping that isnt vert.Note he wears Helmet and protective gear at all times!!!
Step 1: When i was learning airs on quarter pipes and banks i basically did a 180 bunnyhop. Learn these before you progress any more.
Step 2: approach at a slow to medium speed and get a feel for the transistion. If its got coping, how sharp or mellow it is.One tip is to just carve or turn the bike 180 on the ramp (Brian Blyther used to do this so smooth) Then you can progress to a small 180 bunnyhop to turn.
Step 3: I always cover my brake in airs (in case you land back wheel up it can stop you flipping) As you gain confidence and go higher up the transistion you need to pull out less to complete the turn. Gravity will take care of that and your body position. Basically the higher you go the more weightless you become and the less you need to pull out of the ramp. Its a feel thing, when riding vert ramps you just float out and sometimes have to push the bike into the transistion to stop landing on the flat bottom. With some ramps that are not vert you may have to pull out to stop hanging on on the top.
Step 4: Gaining height, this is a matter of confidence, the more speed the more height. Dont just blast up though or it could end in a flat bottom TALE. Just progress slowly. Check out the sequence of Jake riding the bowl and turning just out of the coping. He is pulling his bike just enough to turn at the top of the air but not enough to land on the flat.Good man Jake!!!
Step 5: practice practice practice and always wear safety gear. When you have airs wired try them the opposite way or start doing variations. Airs are the key to some of the most fun you will ever have on a bmx bike!!
Check back soon for some race tips cheers Mike