The good old days

Hi well ive been busy practising on my bmx at Preston tuesday nights. There gate is excellent for practice and has a flatish first straight so you can really get cranking.If you turn up you may see jamie Staff or Shanaze Read doing their stuff, its worth the journey.
Coppull bmx track kicked off the summer with a Wednesday night race meet. it was well attended and good racing and a friendly atmosphere is the order of the day.The track has undergone major change with hard work put in by the club to make it more challenging and ready for the national in June. The track is riding fast with a challenging 4th jump. its going to sort out many a race come the national!! best not to look at it and go is my advice!!
The racing tonight flashed back in my memory goes like this. Sorry if i miss anyone. Paddy Sharrock looking great. Jamie Norris pedaling for england and winning. Jacob Roberts styling but looking round to much and Michael Hawker riding really smooth. Sutty cooking with gas!! Andy Parr geting stronger and stronger in the cruiser class. Browny killing it and looking fast and strong.
Check these clips if you have any coaching questions dont hesitiate to ask me. Iam going to be running coaching sessions at Coppull track, starting very soon for all ages and abilities.
Cheddar regional at the weekend see some of you there